Counselling & psychotherapy
Training in counselling and psychotherapy is core to the continual professional development of the practitioners, assuredness of their eligibility as members of key professional bodies, and protection against potential litigation.
- Maintain accreditation status
- Protect against potential litigation
- Broaden client base due to enhanced skills
- Greater practitioner satisfaction from ongoing professional development
Professional Supervision
A consultative supervisory relationship that contributes to your personal and professional development to enhance theoretical knowledge, skills competence and learning, widening the scope of your client work.
Workshops allow participants to up-skill in the presence of a highly qualified consultant/ trainer. This directly contributes to the personal and professional development of the participants, enhancing theoretical knowledge, skills competence and learning. Training also widens the scope and range of client work that participants become eligible to take on, as their competence levels significantly increase.
Q: What is the quality of the training provided?
A: Victoria Sharman is a skilful facilitator with experience in many modalities of therapy and supervision including: mentoring for practitioners working for organisations; working in private practice; in training for accreditation and also complaints processes.
Q: How do these workshops improve accountability and performance?
A: A safe and confidential space is created in the workshops to deal with issues of public safety, accountability, responsibility, performance and quality control. This offers ways of reducing clients’ complaints, and limiting potential litigation and sanctions.